Our Fees

First Steps has a FULL FEE rate* 

(Nursery + Toddlers)
$126per day
(Tweenies, Pre-Kindy + Kindergarten)
$121per day

Schedule A is higher due to the intensity of care and lower child/staff ratios needed in this age group. We also provide disposable nappies and wipes while your child is on this schedule. When children move to the Platypus Room Schedule B applies. You will have to supply pull ups in this room for your child if they are not toilet trained.

These fee amounts are the maximum amount before the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) has been applied. The Family Assistance Office will issue you a CCS percentage depending on your family’s combined gross weekly income. A fee amount will then be worked out on consultation with the Administration Officer at the Centre for the amount of fees you will be required to pay.

*Fees are reviewed from time to time and are subject to increases. Any concerns or questions regarding fees should be directed to our Administration Officer or Director.

Child Care Subsidy

The Commonwealth Government Childcare Management Scheme (CCMS) is designed to ensure all families can afford quality childcare. Access to this scheme can be obtained by contacting Centrelink prior to your child’s first day at the Centre.

Childcare fees are paid for the days your child is booked into the Centre, including public holidays and times when your child is absent due to illness, holidays or any other reason.

Visit Services Australia for more information on the Child Care Subsidy; including eligibility, conditions, changes and more.

Method of Payment

All families are required to set up the iParentPortal (you will be invited to this once your enrolment begins) and a Direct Debit through the portal. This is a requirement of your enrolment at First Steps. Before your child’s first day you will be required to pay a $50 deposit using the iParentPortal to ensure that all bank details are correctly setup.

All fees can be paid through the iParentPortal as either:

  • Direct Debit – this is set up by you through the iParentPortal. (a paper copy will also be given and required to be returned) or,
  • Once off Payment – This can be made by you through the iParentPortal at any time.

On the first day of care, fees for that week are payable. From then on, fees are payable on the last day of care of each week.

We ask that you collect your child before closing time so that the premises can be vacated by 6.00pm. A late fee will be charged at $15.00 for every 10 minutes or part thereof that a child is at the Centre after 6.00pm if no emergency call has been received. Emergency situations will be determined by the Director. This money is payable directly to the staff member remaining to supervise your child. The centre closes at 6.00pm so please allow enough time to collect your child, his/her belongings and sign out so that the staff can leave by 6.00pm.